
StackStorm uses Jinja extensively for templating. Jinja allows you to manipulate parameter values in StackStorm by allowing you to refer to other parameters, applying filters or refer to system specific constructs (like datastore access). This document is here to help you with Jinja in the context of StackStorm. Please refer to the Jinja docs for Jinja-focused information.

Referencing Datastore Keys in Jinja

You can use {{ st2kv.system.foo }} to access key foo from the datastore. Note that prior to v2.1, the expression to access key foo from the datastore was {{ system.foo }}. This is now deprecated, and the leading st2kv. namespace is required.

Currently, all data in the datastore is represented as strings. To represent complex data structures like dicts and lists the standard approach is to convert the data structure into JSON when storing the data, then parse it when retrieving the data.

# Pass the result of this expression to the action st2.kv.set
{{ {'complex': 'structure', 'foo': ['x', True]} | to_json_string }}

# Or set it on the CLI
st2 key set foo '{"complex": "structure", "foo": ["x", True]}'

# Read the data back in using the st2kv and from_json_string filters
{{ st2kv.system.foo | from_json_string }}

When accessing numbers, integers, objects and arrays in an Action Definition file, utilizing the from_json_string filter is NOT necessary. For more information on accessing key-value pairs from Actions see: Referencing Key-Value Pairs in Action Definitions

Accessing numbers, integers, objects and arrays in other places, such as workflows, utilizing from_json_string is still necessary.

Applying Filters with Jinja

To use the filter my_filter on foo, you use the pipe operator, e.g.: {{ foo | my_filter }}. Please pay attention to the data type and available filters for each data type. Since Jinja is a text templating language, all your input is converted to text and then manipulations happen on that value. The necessary casting at the end is done by StackStorm based on information you provide in YAML (for example, type field in action parameters). The casting is a best-effort casting.

StackStorm supports Jinja variable templating in Rules, Action Chains, and Actions etc. Jinja templates support filters to allow some advanced capabilities in working with variables.

Custom Jinja Filters

In addition to the standard filters available in Jinja, StackStorm also comes with some custom filters.

For Developers: These filters are defined in st2/st2common/st2common/expressions/functions.

For brevity, only simple Jinja patterns for each filter are documented below. “Real-world” usage will depend on the type of content where the filters are being applied (sensors, triggers, rules, action and workflows) and their syntax. More detailed examples can be found in the ActionChains in the examples pack: st2/contrib/examples/actions/chains/.


Converts a JSON string into an object or array (opposite of to_json_string).

{{ value_key | from_json_string }}


Converts a YAML string into an object or array (opposite of to_yaml_string).

{{ value_key | from_yaml_string }}


Adds escape characters to JSON strings.

{{ value_key | json_escape }}


Provides the ability to extract data from complex object data using the JSONPath query language. More specifically we use the jsonpath-rw library that has its own extensions, details can be found on the jsonpath-rw GitHub page. Data passed into this function should be of type object or array. The result of this function will either be an array of results, or None if the query did not return any results. If you would like to test out your JSONPath queries prior to utilizing this filter an online evaluator can be found here.

# Access an element in a data structure. Each level is delimited by a '.'.
# Each part of the query is the name of the field in the current level
# of the data structure.
# input  = {'a': {'b': {'c': 1234} } }
# result = [1234]
{{ input | jsonpath_query('a.b.c') }}

# Access an index in an array/list
# input  = {'animals': ['bird', 'rabbit', 'cat', 'dog', 'cow'] }
# result = ['rabbit']
{{ input | jsonpath_query('animals[1]') }}

# Access all indexes in an array/list
# input  = {'animals': ['bird', 'rabbit', 'cat', 'dog', 'cow'] }
# result = ['bird', 'rabbit', 'cat', 'dog', 'cow']
{{ input | jsonpath_query('animals[*]') }}

# Access a range/slice of indexes in an array/list.
# These expressions can be read mathematically as [first, last)
# Meaning that the index of the first element is inclusive, and the index
# of the last element is exclusive (will not be included).
# input  = {'animals': ['bird', 'rabbit', 'cat', 'dog', 'sheep'] }
# result = ['rabbit', 'cat']
{{ input | jsonpath_query('animals[1:3]') }}

# If you leave out the first number in the range/slice operator
# it will start at the beginning implicitly. It can be read as:
# "give me all data from the beginning to the index specified"
# input  = {'animals': ['bird', 'rabbit', 'cat', 'dog', 'sheep'] }
# result = ['bird', 'rabbit']
{{ input | jsonpath_query('animals[:2]') }}

# If you leave out the last number in the range/slice operator
# it will go all the way to the end of the array implicitly.
# It can be read as: "give me all data from the index specified to the end"
# input  = {'animals': ['bird', 'rabbit', 'cat', 'dog', 'sheep'] }
# result = ['cat', 'dog', 'sheep']
{{ input | jsonpath_query('animals[2:]') }}

# Access a field within every element of an array.
# input  = {'people': [{'first': 'James', 'last': 'd'},
#                      {'first': 'Jacob', 'last': 'e'},
#                      {'first': 'Jayden', 'last': 'f'}]}
# result = ['James', 'Jacob', 'Jayden']
{{ input | jsonpath_query('people[*].first') }}

# Access a field whose name contains a period.
# NOTE: JSONPath uses the '.' as the field name separator in its queries.
#       Field names that contain a period MUST be quoted within the query string
#       in orer to be interpreted as a full string rather than multiple fields.
#       In this example there are double quotes on the outside of the query and
#       single quotes around the field name that contains periods in order to
#       denote that it is a single field.
# input  = {'hosts': {'server.domain.tld': {'uptime': 9999},
#                     'client.domain.tld': {'uptime': 12}}}
# result = [{'uptime': 9999}]
{{ input | jsonpath_query("hosts.'server.domain.tld'") }}


Search for the pattern at beginning of the string. Returns True if found, False if not.

{{ value_key | regex_match('x') }}
{{ value_key | regex_match("^v(\\d+\\.)?(\\d+\\.)?(\\*|\\d+)$") }}


Replaces substring that matches pattern with provided replacement value (backreferences possible).


When using backreferences you need to escape two 's in Jinja, hence the 4 's.

{{ value_key | regex_replace("x", "y") }}
{{ value_key | regex_replace("(blue|white|red)", "beautiful color \\\\1") }}


Searches for the provided pattern in a string, and returns the first matched regex group (alternatively, you can provide the desired index).

{{ value_key | regex_substring("y") }}
{{ value_key | regex_substring("^v(\\d+\\.)?(\\d+\\.)?(\\*|\\d+)$") }}


Convert data to JSON string (see to_json_string for a more flexible option)

{{ value_key | to_complex }}


Given time elapsed in seconds, this filter converts it to human readable form like 3d5h6s.

{{ value_key | to_human_time_from_seconds }}


Convert data to JSON string.

{{ value_key | to_json_string }}

By default to_json-string produces “pretty” JSON formatted output. To produce compact JSON simply pass in the indent=None option to the filter (default indent = 4).

{{ value_key | to_json_string(indent=None) }}

To alphabetically sort dictionary/hash/object by their keys, pass in the sort_keys=True option (default = False).

{{ value_key | to_json_string(sort_keys=True) }}


Convert data to YAML string.

{{ value_key | to_yaml_string }}


If value being filtered is None, this filter will return the string %*****__%NONE%__*****%

{{ value_key | use_none }}


Bumps up the major version of supplied version field.

{{ version | version_bump_major }}


Bumps up the minor version of supplied version field.

{{ version | version_bump_minor }}


Bumps up the patch version of supplied version field.

{{ version | version_bump_patch }}


Compare a semantic version to another value. Returns 1 if LHS is greater or -1 if LHS is smaller or 0 if equal.

{{ version | version_compare("0.10.1") }}


Returns True if LHS version is equal to RHS version.

{{ version | version_equal("0.10.0")  }}


Returns True if LHS version is lesser than RHS version. Both inputs have to follow semantic version syntax.

E.g. {{ “1.6.0” | version_less_than("1.7.0") }}.

{{ version | version_less_than("0.9.2") }}


Returns True if the two provided versions are equivalent (i.e. “2.0.0” and “>=1.0.0” are equivalent and will return True).

Supports operators >, <, ==, <=, and >=.

{{ version | version_match(">0.10.0") }}


Returns True if LHS version is greater than RHS version. Both inputs have to follow semantic version syntax.

E.g. {{ "1.6.0” | version_more_than("1.7.0") }}.

{{ version | version_more_than("0.10.1") }}


Drops patch version of supplied version field.

{{ version | version_strip_patch }}