Ask for help!

We stand behind StackStorm and make our best effort to support you. Ask for support via one of these channels:

  • Support Forum: Ask questions, search the archives.

  • Slack: If you’re not a Slacker yet, here’s a good excuse to become one! Come hang out, chat to us, search the archives to see if anyone else has faced the same problem. Register here.

Please have the following list ready so we can help you faster:

  1. st2 version. (st2 --version)

  2. st2client version. (pip show st2client)

  3. OS version. (e.g. CentOS 7. uname -a)

  4. Python version. (python --version)

  5. A brief description of the problem.

  6. Any relevant logs you have collected. We recommend using Pastebin or github gists. Makes it much easier to read logfiles.

If you are sure there is a st2 bug after your research, file an issue against the StackStorm repo.

A good bug report should contain all the items listed above. You can also provide steps to reproduce the bug on our end. The more information you provide us, the faster we can resolve your issue.