Getting Started

Project Structure

Let’s get started by walking thru the project structure and its contents.

|-- Makefile
|-- docs
|-- orquesta
|   |-- composers           # Plugins for composing a workflow spec into a graph.
|   |   |--       # The plugin for the Orquesta workflow definition.
|   |-- expressions         # Plugins for expressions used in the workflow definition.
|   |   |-- functions       # Plugins for custom functions used in the expressions.
|   |   |--        # The plugin to evaluate Jinja expressions.
|   |   |--          # The plugin to evaluate YAQL expressions.
|   |-- specs               # Plugins for the workflow language specs.
|   |   |-- native          # Models for the Orquesta workflow language.
|   |   |--        # Base class types used in spec modeling.
|   |-- tests
|   |   |-- fixtures        # Reusable workflow definition used in unit tests.
|   |   |-- hacking         # Plugins for custom code style checking rules.
|   |   |-- unit            # Modules for all the unit tests.
|   |-- utils               # Modules for various reuseable utility functions.
|   |--       # Module for the workflow engine that conducts the execution.
|   |--        # Module for project constants and values.
|   |--           # Module that defines events for workflow execution.
|   |--       # Module that defines custom exception types.
|   |--         # Module for the workflow execution graph.
|   |--         # Module for workflow and task state machines to process events.
|   |--         # Module that defines status values for workflow execution.
|-- requirements*.txt       # Files that list the project dependencies.
|--                # Project info and entry points where plugins are registered.
|-- tox.ini                 # Configuration file for the tox command.

Coding Style

  • We follow PEP8 Python Style Guide.

  • We use the hacking flake8 plugins for additional checks and additional flake8 plugins are located under ./orquesta/tests/hacking.

  • Use 4 spaces for a tab.

  • Use 100 characters in a line.

  • Make sure edited files don’t contain any trailing whitespace.

  • Make sure that all the source files contain an Apache 2.0 license header. See an existing python file for example.

  • Be consistent with existing style of the file(s) being edited.

  • Run tox -epep8 to ensure code changes don’t break any style rules.

Running Tests

At the root of the project directory, run the command tox to run all the unit tests for various python versions, run pep8 to check code styles, and check docs for errors. The configuration for tox is located in the tox.ini file. Alternatively, individual environments can be run by passing the -e arg. For example, the command tox -epy36 runs the python 3.6 unit tests and the command tox -epep8 runs the pylint and flake8 checks.

It is possible to run a single unit test or tests within a single test module. Let use the test module ./orquesta/tests/unit/conducting/ as an example. The following is examples for creating the python virtualenv and running either all the tests in a module or running only a single test within the module.

# Make and activate the virtualenv.
$ make venv
$ . ./.venv/bin/activate

# Run all the tests in module ./orquesta/tests/unit/conducting/
$ python -m unittest orquesta.tests.unit.conducting.test_workflow_conductor

# Run a single test such as test_init in the WorkflowConductorTest class.
$ python -m unittest orquesta.tests.unit.conducting.test_workflow_conductor.WorkflowConductorTest.test_init